
Γεώργιος Στάικος


-          Introduction to macromolecules

-          Polymer conformations: Average end to end distance, Characteristic ratio, Statistical segment length, Semiflexible chains and the persistence length, Radius of Gyration.

-          Thermodynamics of polymer solutions: Flory-Huggins theory, Osmotic pressure, Phase behavior of polymer solutions, Interaction parameter χ.

-          Light scattering by polymer solutions: Form factor and Zimm equation.

-          Dynamics of dilute polymer solutions: Viscosity, Stoke?s law and Einstein?s law, Intrinsic viscosity, Diffusion coefficient, Dynamic light scattering, Size exclusion chromatography.

-          Glass transition: Thermodynamic aspects of the glass transition, Locating the glass transition temperature, Free volume theory, Factors that affect the glass transition temperature.

Crystalline polymers: Structure and characterization of unit cells, Thermodynamics of crystallization, Structure and melting of lamellae, Morphology of semicrys




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