Πολυδιάστατες Δομές Δεδομένων και Υπολογιστική Γεωμετρία (PDDYG)

Σπύρος Σιούτας



The course is an introductory course to multi-dimensional data structures and computational geometry, for students that have basic knowledge of simple data structures, algorithms and procedural or object oriented programming (C, C++ programming language).


Aims ? Learning Outcomes

The course?s aim is to introduce students to the basic multidimensional data structures, such as: Interval Tree, Priority Search Tree, Segment Tree, Range-tree, Rectangle-tree (R-tree), Quad-Tree and kd-tree as well as to applications of the above advanced data structures in computational geometry and graphics like: Raster Display for lines and points, the basic incremental algorithm, the algorithm of Bresenham for lines, the algorithm of Bresenham for circles, 2-dimensional transformations, window and cutting algorithms, segment-clipping algorithms, Cutting Polygons, View Transformations, Overlapping Polygons Area Computation, Hidden line elimination problem, Line Segment Intersection, Polygon
