Introduction to Information Systems and Applications (ECON1242)

1. Exercises in Spreadsheets I

The file here includes two worksheets. The worksheet with name "Grades of Exercises" presents the grades of each student in 5 exercises and the weight of each exercise in the final grade. Use spreadsheet functions to answer the following questions:

Question 1 (Multiple Choice (Single Answer) — 1 grade) 

The final grade of each student in the column "Final Grade" taking under consideration the weight of each exercise as presented in the header. Which is the final grade of student Spyros?

In line 5, you can set the weight of each exercise in the final grade. Then you can use the = SUMPRODUCT () function with instructions here: Excel . Optional: Create line 5 using text functions like =MID and =FIND.

Question 2 (Multiple Choice (Single Answer) — 1 grade) 

How many exercises had a grade equal to 7?

You can use the function =COUNTIF(). More info: Excel

Question 3 (Multiple Choice (Single Answer) — 1 grade) 

How many exercises had a grade greater than 7?

Question 4 (Multiple Choice (Single Answer) — 1 grade) 

How many exercises had a grade lower than the average grade of all exercises

Use function =AVERAGE() and function =COUNTIF(). You can use the function =AVERAGE inside function =COUNTIF(). Find the way :-)

Question 5 (Multiple Choice (Single Answer) — 0 grades) 

In the column "Pass" return "Yes" if the student in the row has a final grade >=5 and "No" otherwise. Student Maria has a "Yes" or a "No"?

Use the function =IF. More info: Excel