Data processing with spreadsheets

Data processing techniques using MS Excel spreadsheet software.

1.1 Basic Worksheet Functions

The basic concepts of the workbook and worksheet, cells and regions.
Types and functions.

Reading: Basic Calculations

Study the following from Chapter 2 of the Open Textbook Beginning Excel?

For studing Chapter 2 download data file: CH2 Data

Exercise in Spreadsheet-Basics

The workbook here includes the students' grade in a course. The file contains 2 columns: the semester of the student and the grade. In the grade column, the NS indicates Not-Shown in the exam. Answer the following questions:

Reading:  Formulas and Functions

Study the following from Chapter 3 of the Open Textbook Beginning Excel?

1. Exercises in Spreadsheets I

The file here includes two worksheets. The worksheet with name "Grades of Exercises" presents the grades of each student in 5 exercises and the weight of each exercise in the final grade. Use spreadsheet functions to answer the following questions:

2. Exercises in Spreadsheets II

The file here (xlsx file) shows the staff of a project in a university. For each employee participating in the project, the following items are given in the columns: Name, Project Team to which she/he belongs, Category of job relationship (Staff with contract, Permanent staff or Teaching staff), Initial Contract amount and Final Contract amount (in Euro). On the basis of these data, fill in the necessary columns and answer the questions.

1.2 Visualize data with charts

Import data and present them with charts

Reading: Present data with Charts

Study the following from Chapter 4 of the Open Textbook Beginning Excel?

Practice: Create different chart types

Download the file here and create the charts in each worksheet according to the instructions.

Exercises in Spreadsheets ΙΙΙ

The dataset includes the grades of students in an examination. The dataset includes 3 columns: a numeric index (#),  the student semester of study and the grade. In column "Grade", the text NS means that the specific student did not participate in the exam (not-shown). Process the dataset and answer to the following questions: 

1.3. Import and Organize data in Tables

Import text data in Excel and manage them with tables

What is CSV?

comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. A CSV file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas (or other delimiters such as tab [TSV], semicolon, etc). (Definition from Wikipedia,

CSV files are widely used in business applications as an open format, compatible to different programs. 

Practice: Import CSV data in MS Excel


Attention in importing data in MS Excel 2016!

  1. First review your data with a text editor.
  2. If your Excel uses commas for decimal numbers (e.g 72,5) there will be a problem with CSV data having demical numbers with dot (e.g. 72.5).
  3. For solutions see here.

Data for practice:

Cars data

Reading: Organize data in tables

Study the following from Chapter 5 of the Open Textbook Beginning Excel?

Practice: Search in tables with INDEX() and MATCH()
  1. Download the file and study the examples. Make some queries by your own...
  2. Optional Reading: Study more about INDEX()
  3. Optional Reading: Study mode about MATCH()

1.4 Summarizing Data

Learn how to summarize data using descriptive statistics, histograms and pivot tables.

Reading: Summarizing Data: Descriptive Statistics and Histograms with Excel Analysis Toolpak
Practice: Descriptive statistics and histogram of student grades
  1. Download this file
  2. Use the Analysis Toolpak and produce Descriptive statistics of column "Grades". You should first short the data to avoid NS.
  3. Use the Analysis Toolpak and create a Histogram. Use as Bin grades from 0..10 with granularity 0,5
  4. Insert a Histogram from Chart (Excel 2016 and newer versions). Help can be found in Mictosoft Support Center here.
Reading: Summarizing Data using Pivot tables

What is a pivot table?

A pivot table is a table of statistics that summarize the data of a more extensive table. This summary might include sums, averages, or other statistics, which the pivot table groups together in a meaningful way. (Definition from Wikipedia)

Study Chapter 8: PivotTables and Pivot Charts from the following book:

Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010

Online book of Abbbott Katz, in PDF only from Upatras IP space

Practice: Agreegate sales data with pivot tables
  1. Download the file that contains sales data and understand the meaning of each column
  2. Review the section about pivot tables at the Microsoft Support Center
  3. Create different pivot tables and pivot charts to summarize the sales data

Optional Reading: Descriptive Statistics

Review the concepts of descriptive statistics in Chapter 2 of the Open Textbook Introductory Statistics 

Descriptive Statistics I - Lecture

First part of a Lecture on Descriptive Statistics for the Introduction to Business Statistics Course.