University of Patras

Master's degree program: Biomedical Engineering – BIM

Course: Biomedical Signal Processing


In folder “Έγγραφα/Projects” you will find three files containing electrocardiography (ECG) signals for three independent assignments


Project 1: Two channels ECG - Remove artifacts and Noise.

Project 2: Two channels ECG - Eliminate noise and Estimate mean heard rate (every 0.5 secs)

Project 3: One channel ECG - Eliminate artificial noise.


In all three tasks you must submit the signals you will create, the corresponding software (MATLAB, octave, python etc) that used to create these signals and a report of the processes you implemented.


Your report should be satisfy the following restritions: Completeness, clarity and parsimony in description. If necessary you can do valid assumptions about the nature of the noise and ECG signals and approaches to produce “clean” ECG signal. You can use any noise removal method and heart rate estimation you want, even if it doesn't exist in the syllabus, but you are required to provide a brief description and the corresponding bibliography.


In Project-1 you have to identify and reduce all types of noise.

In Project-2 you have to reduce all types of noise and to calculate the average heart rate that will be calculated in 30 seconds time window.

In Project-3 you have to remove the artificial noise added to the “clean” ECG signal.


Each assignment is graded in the range 1-4.

You will submit the assignments by sending the corresponding zip file to "Εργασίες/2023-Projetcts1-3". DeadLine 02/07/2023


A useful tool with which you can visualize audio files is the audacity, available both in Wondows,linux,MacOS