TextAnalyzerApp Report Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): Sentences [0] one [1] two one [2] three two one [3] two three two one [4] one two three two one Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): is not included in text Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): words [one, two, three] Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): Statistics of numOfSentences: 5 numOfOccurrences:6 firstSentenceIndex: 0 wordSentenseStats: {0= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [0], 1= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [1], 2= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [2], 3= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [3], 4= numOfOccurrences: 2 positions: [0, 4]} Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): Words Statistics {one= numOfSentences: 5 numOfOccurrences:6 firstSentenceIndex: 0 wordSentenseStats: {0= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [0], 1= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [1], 2= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [2], 3= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [3], 4= numOfOccurrences: 2 positions: [0, 4]}, two= numOfSentences: 4 numOfOccurrences:6 firstSentenceIndex: 1 wordSentenseStats: {1= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [0], 2= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [1], 3= numOfOccurrences: 2 positions: [0, 2], 4= numOfOccurrences: 2 positions: [1, 3]}, three= numOfSentences: 3 numOfOccurrences:3 firstSentenceIndex: 2 wordSentenseStats: {2= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [0], 3= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [1], 4= numOfOccurrences: 1 positions: [2]}} Enter word to get Stats (ds-display sentences, dw-display words, dSt-display Statistics,q-to quit): TextAnalyzerApp terminated